說到雅思口說對沒有英語背景的我來說可是一場惡夢呀!尤其是Part 2 每次都吃一嘴的螺絲
畢竟他每天聽 I'm good at cooking 已經聽了幾千遍了,我看他都無聊到快翻白眼了
(1) I am an expert at + 事情
(2) I can ... in my sleep
(3) I have a knack (n) 技巧 for Ving
(4) Ving is one of my fortes. (n) 特長
* I'm not an expert, but I know my way around a basketball court.
(1) I am decent (a) 相當好的 at Ving
(2) I know my way around a + 場地 (kitchen, basketball court, KTV)
(3) I can get by, but I'm not an expert.
(4) I'm not a pro, but I can manage.
(1) I'm not much of a + 職位 (cook, teacher, storyteller)
(2) I'm hopeless at + 事情
(3) I don't know the first thing about + 事情
(4) I can't + 事情 to save my life.
(1) The reason why I ... is ...
(2) The most compelling (a) 引人注目的 reason behind this is ...
(3) I would put it down to 我會把原因歸咎給
(4) I would attribute it to 我會歸因於
(5) It's all thanks to ... 這都要感謝於 * It's all thanks to my mom.
(6) The best explanation for this is
(7) You can chalk it up to 你可以歸因於
(1) In fact, ...
(2) Actually, ...
(3) For example, ...
(4) Take ... for example ...
(5) A case in point ...
(6) To be honest
Strongly :I couldn't agree with that more.
Weakly :I suppose so.
Strongly :I completely condemn (v) 責備 that statement.
Weakly :Not necessarily.
(1) The most striking (adj) 顯著的 resemblance (n) 相似之處 is that ...
(2) They share common ground when it comes to ...
(1) There is no real discernible (a) 可辨別的 difference.
(2) I can't draw any major distinctions (n) 區別 between A and B.
(3) It's like splitting hairs to me. 就像要把同一根頭髮分開一樣,形容極為相似
(4) A and B are two sides of the same coin. A 和 B 就如同一個銅板的兩面,形容極為相似
(1) There is a major distinguishing (a) 有區別的 feature.
(2) I'd say a few things set A apart from B
(1) That's like comparing apples and oranges. 就像拿蘋果跟橘子比較一樣,形容極大的不同
(2) It's like night and day.
(3) A bear no relation to B at all. A 和 B 完全不相關
(4) There is a world of difference between A and B
Part 2 introductions ( 對題目較為熟悉)
(1) There are a number of ( topic ), but the one I'd particularly like to mention today is ( example ).
(2) When discussing ( topic ), I tend to bring up ( example ).
(3) In regards to ( topic ), ( example ) deserves a mention.
(4) If I'm talking about ( topic ), I often give some recognition (n) 承認、認出 to ( example ).
Part 2 introductions ( 對題目不太熟悉)
(1) To tell you the truth, I don't have much to say about ( topic ), but I'll try my best to talk about ( answer ).
(2) Honestly, regarding ( topic ), I don't usually give it much thought, but I'll give it a go and tell you a bit about ( answer ).
Transitions ( 連接用的句子)
(1) That's pretty much everything I have to say about ( topic ). Next, I'd like to mention ( next topic ).
(2) I'd like to move on to.
(3) In addition to ( topic ), I can also tell you a little bit about ( next topic ).
(4) Next, I'd like to discuss ( next topic ).
(5) Additionally, there are a few things I'll mention about ( next topic ).
Will you stay at your current job? 你會繼續做現在的工作嗎?
* pay the bill 可以付帳單
* content (v) 滿足的 to stay permanently 非常滿意現在的工作
* I'll see where the wind blows = trend 我隨著趨勢變化而改變
* If opportunities came my way, I'll jump ship and go where the grass is greener
Do you plan to live in your house for good? 你會永遠住在現在的房子嗎?
* My home is where the heart is 我的家就是我心之所在
* just a place to lay my head 只是一個暫時居所而已
* I can afford a much nicer apartment = flat 我可以負擔一個更高級的公寓
* I'll stick around 我會留在附近的
What do you hope to do in your field of study? 你想要在你的領域擔任什麼職務
* specialize in 專精於 expertise (n) 專門的技術
* pursue the goal 追求目標
* I obtain that credential 我擁有這張證書
* I attempt to secure a position as 我有意得到那個職位
Are you going to go traveling soon? 你有計劃很快要去旅行嗎?
* I'm actually flat-out at work = busy 我最近其實非常忙碌於工作
* It's far from my mind 我想都不敢想
* my colleagues may have it in for me 我同事可能會找我報仇
Charities 幫助他人
* Do something for a good cause 做善事
* Lend someone a helpful hand 幫助他人
* Reach out to someone 對他人提供幫助